Angel City Culture Quest — Melina Paris’s Podcast

Hello, Readers —

In the “big picture” of cultural work, it would seem that blogs as a genre are well past their shelf life “sell by” date, and yet I persist out of the sheer buoyancy of perky orneriness. One thing my persistence does allow me to do is to speak up for the more popular forms of current social media, including podcasts. One new one recently sent me an announcement that I wish to pass on to you:


ANGEL CITY CULTURE QUEST, Melina Paris’s new podcast, is live! In her passion and drive to connect you to art and culture throughout our Angel City, Melina Paris will share her joy in discovering what is behind artists and their processes. While passion is important, environmental issues are paramount, as well as those of social justice. Because of this Melina Paris will bring you discussions on those issues, too. Her goal is to fortify your craving for an inspired life, discovering from artists and activists directly what drives their work, while learning together ways to tend to our one home, and for each other.

You can listen to Angel City Culture Quest at Itunes, Spotify and IHeartRadio.

If you like what you hear, please like and subscribe.~

Podcast link

Bio Melina Paris

Melina Paris is Southern California based journalist and podcast host at Angel City Culture Quest. She blends her passion for writing, and connecting people to their community through arts, culture and social justice, with a focus on the thriving Harbor area cultural scene and that of greater Los Angeles.
Highlighting artists, activists and “outsiders” perspective’s Melina seeks to report on and contrast unique interpretations to create a valid, informed contribution to our cultural discussions. She has also written about subjects ranging from the environment and social justice to politics.
Her publications and websites include Random Lengths News, Culture Life Food Quest, Amass Magazine, Palacio Magazine, DTLA-Weekly, The Urban Howl, Tour Worthy and Infinity Artists Group.
Becoming a mother ignited Melina’s interest in wholesome, quality food. This combined with urgent environmental concerns has resulted in her ongoing education in food matters from a health and sustainability perspective and informs her environmental film reviews, restaurant reviews and other food-related pieces.

Melina Paris

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