Tag Archives: Michael Pritchett


Ghazals – Cultural Weekly and KYSO Flash

Midway through my first week up at CSU Monterey Bay, Alexis Fancher wrote to say that the three ghazals from my work-in-progress, “The Jugular Notch of Sunset Boulevard,” which she had selected for her poetry column in Cultural Weekly, were now on-line:


Five days afterwards, Clare MacQueen circulated a very favorable review of the most recent issue of her exceptionally fine magazine, KYSO Flash by Michael Pritchett.


“For variety of form, KYSO is plainly hard to match. …. There are even ghazals here by Bill Mohr that stand out by being funny and almost obscene.  “Vicarious Census Count” deals with sex toys from a male point of view, what it’s like to be “the envoi of a dildo.” – Michael Pritchett