The Ekphrastic Sex Contest, judged by Alexis Rhone Fancher


The Ekphrastic Sex Contest, Judged by Alexis Rhone Fancher

The Ekphrastic Review is an online journal based in Canada that has been around for at least five years, though I only recently heard about it because their latest contest is being judged by Alexis Rhone Fancher. It’s my understanding that the poems must be inspired in some manner by one of the works of erotic art chosen by the editor of the Ekphrastic Review, Lorette C. Luzajic. The purchase of a downloaded version of the volume with the paintings and photographs suffices as the contest’s entry fee.

DEADLINE: Saturday, November 13th
The context is open to both poems and flash fiction.

Anyone interested in this contest should probably first read David Garyan’s interview with Alexis Rhone Fancher in InterLitq magazine:

Interlitq’s Californian Poets Interview Series: Alexis Rhone Fancher, Poet and Photographer, interviewed by David Garyan

For further perusal of previous writing that has appeared in the Ekphrastic Review:
Editor’s Bio: Lorette C. Luzajic’s poetry and flash fiction have appeared in about a dozen anthologies, and hundreds of journals, including Cultural Weekly, Cabinet of Heed, JMWW, Citron Review, Tiny Molecules, Cleaver Magazine, Unbroken, Fatal Flaw, and Miramichi Flash. She has been nominated twice for Best of the Net and three times for the Pushcart Prize. Her recent flash story won first place in a contest at MacQueen’s Quinterly. Her latest book is a collection of ekphrastic prose poems called Pretty Time Machine.

Interlitq’s Californian Poets Interview Series: Alexis Rhone Fancher, Poet and Photographer, interviewed by David Garyan

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