Terrence Winch, Harry Northup, and Poem-of-the-Day

I have long admired the poetry of Terrence Winch, whose work I first noticed in Michael Lally’s mid-1970s anthology of maverick poets from Crossing Press, NONE OF THE ABOVE. I wrote a review of Winch’s BOY DRINKERS that Paul Vangelisti published in NEW REVIEW OF LITERATURE many years ago. I am hardly alone in the pleasure I get from reading Winch. Other poets and critics who have admired his work include Maureen Owen, Denise Duhamel, Michael Lally, Bob Hicok, Charles Bernstein, Marjorie Perloff, Billy Collins, Steve Kowit, Mark Wallace, Meg Kearney, Joan Retallack, and Matthew Rohrer. You can find their comments at:

Poetry Books

Other websites to learn more about Winch are at:



Recently, Terrence Winch selected one of Harry Northup’s poems to be featured on POEM-OF-THE-DAY.


Another of Harry’s poems has just appeared in MAINTENANT 18, A Journal of Contemporary DADA Writing and Art, edited by Peter Carlaftes and Kat Georges. Contributors to that issue will celebrated by gathering at Beyond Baroque on Friday, December 13, 2024, at 7:30 PM.,

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