“Rose Alley” in Long Beach, CA

Sunday, September 29, 2019

When Linda and I started renting our current residence in Long Beach ten years ago, we immediately started walking around and finding out little bits of local history. A huge Bay Fig tree near the corner of Sixth Street and Orizaba turned out to be the first tree planted in the neighborhood. The owners of a nearby large house that is now an apartment building had planted it. The alley next to the building, however was still a dirt path as recently as five years ago. Linda and I walked past it after several winter storms over the years and wondered how the garages back along the alley managed to get through the mud.

Thanks to a very fine artist, Cody Lusby, who lives in one of the apartments in that house with his spouse and young child, the alley is now considerably brightened up. Cody convinced all the owners of property along the alley to make their back walls available for a mural and he recruited support for both supplies as well as labor from several artists, including Katie Stubblefield, Hillary Norcross, and Linda Fry. Additional artists and assistants included Roger and Betsy, who also live and work in this neighborhood.

I look forward to seeing it when the moon is full!

Rose Alley - Lusby - FIRST

Rose Alley - Lusby - 4

Rose Alley - STENCIL -1

Rose Alley - Lusby - 1

Rose Alley - Lusby -2

Rose Alley - Lusby -3

Rose Alley - Lusby -5

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