February 26, 2021
I have had it.
Truly fuckin’ had it.
What part of WEAR A MASK do people not understand? Over a year has gone by since the covid-19 virus began dismantling normal life in one country after another, and still people act as if they had total immunity from the consequences of their actions.
If you don’t wear a mask, as far as I’m concerned, you are no different than a person driving around in a car with gelignite in the trunk and back seat.
If you resent me saying this, you are no different from the person in Central Park who didn’t think that she should have to put her dog on a leash, and then when she is called out on it, plays the victim and acts as if she is being attacked. You are the guilty party here. I am wearing a mask. You are not.
I don’t care about what race or ethnicity you belong to, or what your gender identification or affiliation is. I don’t care if you are working-class or middle-class.
If I am walking along the sideway and you pedal up on your bicycle behind me and tell me to get out of your way, and I start to stumble off the sidewalk as I hurry not just to avoid being run down by you, but to avoid any possibility of being infected by the covid virus because you have decided that you are too special to wear a mask, then I am going to call you for what you are: a virus terrorist.
For over a year, I have been enduring the hateful behavior of young people who don’t believe that they need to change any of their daily routines in order to stop this virus from doing so much damage to my generation. And it is hate on their part. There is no other word for it. It is a hate crime not to wear a mask.
I may not be able to call the police to defend my right to walk outside and briefly escape from this endless house arrest without being being assaulted, but I am going to call this behavior for what it is: calculated, vicious contempt for my life and well-being. If you expect me to regard it in any other way, then you are totally and hopelessly clueless.