Juan Felipe Herrera — U.S. Poet Laureate

I first saw a posting with the news about Juan Felipe Herrera being the next Poet Laureate of the United States on Mike Sonksen’s Facebook page. I checked further and found an article in the NY Times that confirmed Mike’s posting.

I am delighted that Juan Felipe Herrera has been appointed to this post and feel very fortunate to have asked him a year ago to be part of a conference I have organized for this summer, “The Poet’s Metamorphosis.” The other poets include Marilyn Nelson, Douglas Kearney, Ellen Bass, and Cecilia Woloch.  Marilyn Nelson has been the poet laureate of Connecticut and Ellen Bass the poet laureate of Santa Cruz. Regardless of their titles, these are all poets I deeply admire and respect. If you would be interested in joining this conference, applications are still being taken until June 15. Write me at William.BillMohr@gmail.com or William.Mohr@csulb.edu



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