POETRY DAILY: “Wrinkles” by Bill Mohr

Saturday, July 6, 2019

I received an e-mail about a fortnight ago that my poem “Wrinkles” was being scheduled to appear on Saturday, July 6, in POETRY DAILY. That poem originally appeared in the anthology, Beyond the Valley of Contemporary Poets, and was then reprinted in Bittersweet Kaleidoscope and The Headwaters of Nirvana. Coincidentally, I had read the poem, the night before I received the e-mail, at Kauai Community College, and one of the audience members told me afterwards that “Wrinkles” was her favorite of the evening.

Alexis Rhone Fancher just wrote me and said that the poem is indeed on their website. I am very grateful to POETRY DAILY for including the translation in Spanish by Jose Rico and Robin Myers.


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