Tuesday morning, March 26
I am heading up to Portland today for the AWP conference with more than the usual mixed emotions. Many of the poets I most care about will not be there, though I noticed that Alicia Ostriker and Marilyn Nelson are scheduled to be part of panels. Rae Armantrout will also be part of at least one reading, and I hope to catch that event. Passages Bookstore seems to the one off-site gathering nexus that will be most deserving of my attendance.
For those I happen to talk to at AWP and who glance at my blog out of curiosity, I would call your attention to the work of Robin Myers, a poet and translator who lives in Mexico City. Her books will be difficult to get, since they are all published in other countries, such as Argentina and Spain, but if you have a friend there who would be willing to purchase and mail them to you, you would know that you have a valiant and authentic friend. She is one of the very best of the “younger” poets whose work demonstrates why the key question remains: “Is the poem you are reading worth the effort of translating into another language?”
Amalgama / Conflations — (Mexico City, Mexico: Antilope, 2016)
lo demás — (Buenos Aires: Zindo and Gafuri, 2016); and kriller71ediciones.com.
Tener (Having) — (Buenos Aires: Audisea, 2017)